Home-Start Royston, Buntingford and South Cambridgeshire
Home-Start Royston, Buntingford and South Cambridgeshire provides a unique voluntary led home visiting service delivering crucial support for local families with young children who are at personal crisis point and struggling with issues such as post-natal depression, illness, isolation, bereavement, disability and domestic abuse.
Our home visiting service is provided by volunteers, all of whom are local parents or grandparents and have parenting experience themselves. Our volunteers undergo stringent recruitment procedures and undertake a preparation training course. The impact and effectiveness of our service is systematically recorded, monitored and reviewed. We know that upon leaving our service, over 90% of needs are met or partially met as a result of our support.
The community impact of supporting just one family is huge. Not only do the parents and children within the family benefit, but also the schools that the children attend, their teachers and classmates; the close relatives and friends of those families; local employers if the family members are in current employment and absence or ill health is reduced; local health and social services through reduced pressure and requirement placed on their services and also the volunteers themselves who will often go on to gain further employment as a result of their experience as a Home-Start volunteer.
HSRSC is based in Meldreth and has worked with vulnerable families in the local area for over 32 years supporting around 80 families and 150 children every year.
Please sign up for our newsletter here.

- +44 (0)1763 262262
- www.hsrsc.org.uk
- [email protected]
- Home-Start Royston & South Cambridgeshire, Unit 6, Valley Farm, Station Road, Meldreth, Royston, Herts, SG8 6JP.